1. Accepted definitions:
- Cooperative efforts of a "for profit" business and a non-profit organization for mutual benefit. (From Wikipedia)
- “(A) strategic positioning and marketing tool that links a company or brand to a relevant social cause or issue, for mutual benefit.” (From “Brand Spirit, How Cause Related Marketing Builds Brands” by Hamish Pringle and Marjorie Thompson, Wiley, 1999)
- “A commercial activity by which businesses and charities or causes form a partnership with each other to market an image, product or service for mutual benefit.” (From Business in the Community, the leading British corporate social responsibility organization.)
In a nutshell, it's about giving back to the community and minimizing negative impact in operations. The concept is also known as Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR); where business decisions are not based solely on dollars; but social, community, and environmental consequences of business activities.
2. Statistics
- 92% of consumers consider it important for corporations to contribute to nonprofits.
- Almost 90% of teenagers said they would switch to a brand affiliated with a good cause, if price and quality were equal.
- 76% of American consumers surveyed have taken part in at least one cause-related marketing campaign.
- 50% have recommended a product or company after hearing about a company’s commitment to social issues.
- 66% look at what a company is doing in the community when deciding where to invest.
- 77% of women and 64% of men expected to consider a company’s reputation for supporting causes when purchasing gifts during the holiday season.
3. Overview of Benefits:
Attendees + word of mouth after the event:
≥ ___ fees and event costs
Attendees + reputation enhancement from cause marketing:
≥ ___ fees and event costs
Attendees + playbook for future promotional efforts:
≥ ___ fees and event costs
Attendees + new e-mail addresses for marketing databases:
≥ ___ fees and event costs
Attendees + relationship building with sponsors and partners:
≥ ___ fees and event costs
Attendees + opportunity to bounce back for future sales:
≥ ___ fees and event costs
We would enjoy the opportunity to talk with you about how CMP can increase traffic and revenues for your business while expanding good will for your brand. Please e-mail me at marc@causemp.com to discuss how we can help.
Additional Sources: Changing Our World, Inc., OnPhilanthropy.com, CauseMarketingForum.com
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