Thursday, June 25, 2009

From NPT Instant Fundraising: Revenue, Donors Continue Free Fall

Distressing news from today's NPT Instant Fundraising, a publication of The NonProfit Times (as reported by/credited to Mark Hrywna):

If you would like to accelerate volunteer and donor recruitment, and maximize fundraising opportunities by establishing cause marketing event partnerships with local businesses, please contact Cause Marketing Partners:

Marc Portugal
Cause Marketing Partners

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Comparative Costs: Events vs. Everything Else

Below you will find Comparative Costs of CMP event promotional campaign tactics, indicators for which event promotional tactics allow for the proverbial "forwarding to a friend", and also the cost of non-event based advertising tactics:

Posting cause marketing event information on your web site:
Cost: FREE
Easily Forward to a Friend? YES

Posting cause marketing event information on local media web sites:
Cost: FREE
Easily Forward to a Friend? YES

Posting cause marketing event information on Facebook profile pages:
Cost: FREE
Easily Forward to a Friend? YES

Posting cause marketing event information on Facebook event pages:
Cost: FREE
Easily Forward to a Friend? YES

Posting cause marketing event information on Facebook group pages:
Cost: FREE
Easily Forward to a Friend? YES

Posting cause marketing event information on Facebook fan pages:
Cost: FREE
Easily Forward to a Friend? YES

Posting cause marketing event information on Twitter (regular updates):
Cost: FREE
Easily Forward to a Friend? YES

Posting cause marketing event information on social bookmarking web sites:
Cost: FREE
Easily Forward to a Friend? YES

Including cause marketing event information in existing e-mail marketing:
Cost: FREE
Easily Forward to a Friend? YES

Overseeing staff to e-mail friends and family networks about the event:
Cost: FREE
Easily Forward to a Friend? YES

Overseeing staff to call friends and family networks about the event:
Cost: FREE
Easily Forward to a Friend? YES

Overseeing staff to text friends and family networks about the event:
Cost: FREE
Easily Forward to a Friend? YES

Overseeing staff to verbal the upcoming event internally and externally:
Cost: FREE
Easily Forward to a Friend? YES

Compare non-event-based advertising tactics (for a one month campaign)**

Cost of two months of 4C print ads in Chicago Scene: $1,800
Easily Forward to a Friend? NO

Cost of eight, 1/8 page 4C display ads in Chicago Tribune per week (minimum): $2,400
Easily Forward to a Friend? NO

Cost of four, 1/8 page 4C display ads in Red Eye: $4,600
Easily Forward to a Friend? NO

Cost of five, 30-second evening drive ad on WTMX per week: $3,500
Easily Forward to a Friend? NO

Cost of 200,000 impressions ROS on or Metromix per month: $6,000
Easily Forward to a Friend? NO

Cost of one month of one local Google AdWord campaign: $2,000***
Easily Forward to a Friend? NO

Cost of one month of outdoor billboard advertising: $3,000++
Easily Forward to a Friend? NO

We would enjoy the opportunity to talk with you about how CMP can increase traffic and revenues for your business while expanding good will for your brand. Please call me at 847.924.0103 or e-mail me at to discuss how we can help.

Marc Portugal
Cause Marketing Partners

**Estimated based on 2009 public rate cards MINUS 15% for agency rates, economy driven discounts, etc.

***This rate presumes $100 per day X 20 days; minimum bid of $2 per keyword, maxing out potential clicks at 50 per day.

30Starts: The many reasons to donate to a nonprofit

Food for thought: while needs vary from one nonprofit organization to another, there are a minimum of 30 categorical ways in which a donation may be used:

Cleaning Supplies
Disaster Relief
Event Advertising
Facility Costs
Family Support Services - Medical
Family Support Services - Military
First Aid Kits
Future Donor Appreciation Events
Future Fundraising Events
Future Recruitment Events (Donors)
Future Recruitment Events (Volunteers)
Life Saving Equipment
Medical Research
Medical Treatment
Office Supplies
Prevention Seminars
Program Advertising
Program Equipment
Program Events
Program Supplies
School Supplies
Staff Salaries
Student Aid
Volunteer Resources

Marc Portugal
Cause Marketing Partners

Cause Marketing 101

Below you will find some basic definitions, statistics and overview of benefits in regards to cause marketing. Cause Marketing Partners (CMP) helps businesses increase traffic, revenue, and good will by establishing cause marketing event partnerships with nonprofit organizations.

1. Accepted definitions:

  • Cooperative efforts of a "for profit" business and a non-profit organization for mutual benefit. (From Wikipedia)

  • “(A) strategic positioning and marketing tool that links a company or brand to a relevant social cause or issue, for mutual benefit.” (From “Brand Spirit, How Cause Related Marketing Builds Brands” by Hamish Pringle and Marjorie Thompson, Wiley, 1999)

  • “A commercial activity by which businesses and charities or causes form a partnership with each other to market an image, product or service for mutual benefit.” (From Business in the Community, the leading British corporate social responsibility organization.)

In a nutshell, it's about giving back to the community and minimizing negative impact in operations. The concept is also known as Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR); where business decisions are not based solely on dollars; but social, community, and environmental consequences of business activities.

2. Statistics

  • 92% of consumers consider it important for corporations to contribute to nonprofits.

  • Almost 90% of teenagers said they would switch to a brand affiliated with a good cause, if price and quality were equal.

  • 76% of American consumers surveyed have taken part in at least one cause-related marketing campaign.

  • 50% have recommended a product or company after hearing about a company’s commitment to social issues.

  • 66% look at what a company is doing in the community when deciding where to invest.

  • 77% of women and 64% of men expected to consider a company’s reputation for supporting causes when purchasing gifts during the holiday season.

3. Overview of Benefits:

Attendees + word of mouth after the event:
≥ ___ fees and event costs

Attendees + reputation enhancement from cause marketing:
≥ ___ fees and event costs

Attendees + playbook for future promotional efforts:
≥ ___ fees and event costs

Attendees + new e-mail addresses for marketing databases:
≥ ___ fees and event costs

Attendees + relationship building with sponsors and partners:
≥ ___ fees and event costs

Attendees + opportunity to bounce back for future sales:
≥ ___ fees and event costs

We would enjoy the opportunity to talk with you about how CMP can increase traffic and revenues for your business while expanding good will for your brand. Please e-mail me at to discuss how we can help.

Marc Portugal

Additional Sources: Changing Our World, Inc.,,

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Welcome to the New Cause Marketing Partners Blog

Welcome to Cause Marketing Partners!

CMP helps nonprofit organizations expand awareness of their organization, increase volunteer recruitment, and maximize fundraising opportunities by establishing cause marketing event partnerships with local host businesses.

CMP helps businesses increase traffic, revenue, and good will by establishing cause marketing event partnerships with nonprofit organizations.

Cause marketing events are hosted at the business’s location, and the partnerships are specifically designed for both parties to share key resources and collaborate on promotional efforts to generate publicity, traffic, revenue, donations, retention and expansion. CMP services also include helping individual volunteers and participants with planning events to help fulfill existing fundraising commitments – such as runners looking to host an event to raise money for a walk-a-thon.

CMP helps plan and expedite cause marketing event responsibilities so you can continue to focus on existing, time-sensitive priorities. The time required to plan and execute one cause marketing event – hosting anywhere from 50-150 people – can take as long as 90 days, and cost time, money or labor you simply cannot allocate exclusively to cause marketing.

CMP is becoming the central source in the Chicago area for developing relationships with nonprofit organizations and businesses that are actively looking to pursue cause marketing commitments. CMP leverages relationships with hundreds of Chicagoland nonprofits and host businesses, as well as twelve years’ event planning experience, to create programs uniquely suited to your needs.

CMP matches nonprofit organization with host business whose location, genre, services, and resources correlate with those of the nonprofit itself, and vice versa. Once matched, CMP helps initiate and facilitate the event planning and event promotion processes.

We would enjoy the opportunity to speak with you about how CMP may be able to help foster publicity, traffic, revenue, donations, retention and expansion. Please fill out the contact form on our web site to receive more information about CMP. You may also call 847.924.0103 or e-mail as well. We look forward to launching your cause marketing event endeavors!

Marc Portugal
Founder, Cause Marketing Partners